Giving Back
Our Members make adifference in our community
The Marina del Rey Lessees organization supports a variety of community events that provide recreation and enhance the quality of life for Los Angeles County residents and visitors to the area. We believe local events and community programming make Marina del Rey a desirable place to live, work, and play, while stimulating the local economy through increased commerce and tourism. In addition to sponsoring the annual Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade, the Marina del Rey Lessees Association was proud to sponsor the first inaugural 2022 Los Angeles Dragon Boat Festival in Marina del Rey and the Marina del Rey Sheriff's Department annual toy drive.
The members of the Association have a strong commitment to giving back to our community. Collectively they contribute countless hours and resources to make a difference in Los Angeles County. Whether taking part in local food and toy drives during the holidays, participating in environmental clean up efforts, or educating local youth on tourism, hospitality, and marina operations, our members are making a positive impact in our local community.
community outreach photo gallery
Clean marina Program
Several of Marina del Rey’s anchorages are certified through the Clean Marina program. This certification shows they have demonstrated that they are encouraging boaters and employees to use Best Management Practices to protect the environment and prevent or reduce pollution in our waterways. Â